Continued EU Blue Card News Archive
- DEC10Citizenship by Descent is a little known way to acquire a second passport
People who have ancestors born on EU territory may qualify for this program.
- NOV24On December 31, at 11 pm, freedom of movement in the UK for all EU citizens ends
Without an EU passport, UK citizens will have to follow the rules of travel that apply to all other third-country citizens.
- OCT22All EU countries issued more Blue Cards in 2019
Notably the Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic and France issued over 50% more than 2018.
- OCT22All EU countries issued more Blue Cards in 2019
Notably the Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic and France issued over 50% more than 2018.
- OCT1Holding an EU Blue Card is a solid path to EU citizenship
The common route to citizenship is called naturalization. Learn about the different ways to obtain an EU Passport.
- SEP7EU eyes legal action over Cyprus's 'golden passport'
EU commissioner for justice calls for changes to citizenship-through-investment scheme.
- AUG17Information on essential travel to Europe
Highly qualified third-country workers are considered essential and allowed to travel to the EU.
- JUL30Number of issued Blue Card reaches new high in 2019
The positive trend of steadily rising EU Blue Card grants continues, says BAMF Vice President Schumacher.
- JUL15Brexit update
UK citizens to face an increase in mobile charges when traveling to the EU after January 1st 2021.
- JUN29The United States suspends H-1B and L visas until the end of 2020
Temporary suspension of foreign work visas threatens scholarly engagement: Harvard.
- JUN22Blue Card Network announces a significant increase in employer registrations
'Increasingly European employers turn to us to find highly skilled professionals; diversity in teams increases productivity tremendously!'
- JUN08Working on the Blue Card is a route to an EU passport
Learn more about its significance.
- MAY19Europe loosens lockdown as virus cases drop
Dropping case numbers prompt Europe to reopen businesses, social life.
- APR24US President suspends immigration into the United States
European Union to surpass the US as the world’s main migration destination.
- APR20Europe starts to re-open
European countries start to relax their coronavirus restrictions. Gathering of people remains very limited. High caution remains warranted.
- APR02EU Blue Card Network Ambassador Program
As the world is fighting the pandemic, we work harder than ever to strengthen Europe’s economy. We need your help to achieve this.
- MAR16Please read Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public
Rest assure that our Network remains fully available. There is no interruption in the services and support we provide.
- MAR09These European regional job markets are thriving in 2020
Innovative regions with good digital infrastructure and educated workers are thriving. Blue Card Network identifies Kraków, Madrid, Amsterdam and Berlin in particular.
- FEB26The Maltese Blue Card is referred to as the Key Employee Initiative (KEI)
Additional rights granted to start-up entrepreneurs.
- FEB01Brexit. The Blue Card is projected to become available for UK citizens
Join the Network to connect to EU employment and the path to application.
- JAN30Skilled immigrants: an asset to Germany
A shortage of skilled workers and far too few applicants for job openings have become a problem.
- JAN15EU Blue Card Network Ambassador Program
In order to meet the increasing demand from European employers, an incentive program has been launched.
- DEC20
- DEC6Large increase in foreign higher-education students in Portugal
Compared to 2006, Brazilian students enrolled in Portugal have increased by 540%.
- NOV14Due to its demographic profile, Germany needs high-skilled legal migration.
India, with its large young population and extensive higher education establishments, has the potential to fulfil some of its demand.
- OCT25The Juncker Plan has made major impact on EU jobs and growth.
European Investment Bank has increased EU GDP by 0.9% and added 1.1 million jobs compared to the baseline scenario.
- OCT1European Union unemployment at 6.2%
Unemployment rate in the European Union (28 countries) is the lowest since January 2000.
- SEP18
- SEP3Celebrating 10 years of connecting professionals to Blue Card employment in Europe!
The first candidate to register in 2009 was an Indian mining engineer; now a naturalized EU citizen living in Austria.
- AUG19Number of EU Blue Cards issued by EU countries increase with 30% (2017-2018)
Croatia saw highest increase in percentage, Germany in absolute number.
- JUL18Ursula von der Leyen is elected president of the European Commission
Political guidelines for the next European commission 2019-2024; ’A Union that strives for more’.
- JUL9Poland issued more visas to foreign workers than any other European country
Over 680,000 foreigners received legal residency in Poland in 2017 alone.
JUN25Germany passes new immigration lawFavourable changes for highly skilled foreign workers, labour market test scraped.
JUN5Over 27,000 German EU Blue Cards awarded in 2018.The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) announces an increase of 25.4% over 2017.
MAY7Employment rate of recent EU graduates reaches 82%!The employment rate of recent graduates in the EU rose from 76% in 2014 to 82% in 2017.
APR19Netherlands needs 50,000 foreign workers a year to keep economy runningForeign workers are sought to make up for shortages in the labour market, according to CBS figures.
APR 12Leaders of the European Union have granted the UK a six-month extensionMAR19EU Blue Card Network signs agreement with pan-European employment agency'Employment in Europe has never been more within reach for non-EU nationals'
MAR 15Merit-based immigration to be the new standard in the USAMAR11The European alternative to the U.S. H-1B VisaTake your talent to Europe!
FEB 18Shortage of highly-skilled workers in Europe is growingFinland, the Netherlands and Sweden are the EU nations most affected.
JAN17Brexit updateIf the UK leaves the EU without a deal, British passport holders will be considered third country nationals by countries within the Schengen area after 29 March 2019.
JAN8Frontex: significant decrease in illegal border crossingsEurope’s illegal immigration in 2018 is 92% below the peak of the migratory crisis in 2015.
- DEC 10More and more people come to Germany on the EU Blue CardNOV23Start your business in Europe!
The new start-up permit Netherlands is a huge stepping stone for entrepreneurs.
NOV5Irish passport applications from British applicants increase significantlyThe number of applications grew from 53,715 in 2015 to 82,274 in 2017.
OCT 11Immigrants are feeding Europe’s jobs boomInternational workers are helping employment to flourish, and businesses want to keep it that way.
SEP24SEP4Germany looks at easing immigration laws to fill skilled labour gapsThe German cabinet will decide on a proposal to make it easier for skilled workers from outside the EU to move to Germany
AUG 16Over 81,000 persons have been awarded a blue card for GermanyThe majority of blue card holders choose to stay in Europe permanently.
JUL19Belgium to become more attractive for blue card workersThe Flanders region plans to issue blue card for a minimum term of three years. Permanent residency to be available after four years.
JUL 3Compared to one year ago, the unemployment rate fell in all EU countriesThe largest decreases were registered in Croatia, Cyprus Greece and Portugal.
Increased opportunities for non-EU professionals.JUN 18Unlocking talent: Validation of non-formal and informal learningThe EU blue card is not only for the highly educated. Skilled professionals are appreciated as well.
MAY 25EU Blue Card Network complies with GDPRYour personal data is secure and confidential.
MAY 22Commission evaluation confirms the importance of European Works CouncilsThe European Commission has published an evaluation of the European Works Council Directive.
APR 11Professions listed as most in demand, per EU countryThere is a labour shortage in all business sectors, in all EU member states.
MAR 13Growing lack of skilled workers in EuropeThe Netherlands facing a growing gap between demand and supply of skilled workers. 13% of companies are seriously obstructed in their growth.
FEB 28MIGRATION: A ROADMAPPolitical agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on the "Blue Card" Directive set for June 2018.
FEB 7Germany leads the field when it comes to issuing EU blue cardsOne in five blue card issued in Germany go to Indian nationals.
JAN25JAN 8Commission launches public consultation on a European Labour Authority and a European Social Security NumberThe European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather views of the public.
- DEC30The future of immigration is based on merits and skills. Apply for the US Greencard today.DEC 12DEC 5EU: The EP LIBE Committee supported the revision of the Blue card
'We need an instrument or at least one way of having a partnership or a sensible way of managing migration for the needs of the EU.'
NOV 13EU: Euro Economy Is Heading Towards a Golden PeriodEconomists have raised their growth forecasts eight times this year.
OCT 24EU: The Blue Card is gaining popularity amongst Turkish professionalsThe blue card is available to all non-EU citizens.
OCT 3DE: Increasing number of Chinese and Indian people have blue cards106% increase in Indian blue card holders and 62% increase in Chinese BC holders.
NOV 10ADV: Check your Eligibility for the European Blue CardDownload a free eligibility certificate and expand your employment opportunities in Europe
SEP 11EU: European Alliance for Apprenticeships - Assessment of progress and planning the futureThe EAfA is a part of the EU’s strategy to tackle youth unemployment and to provide the skills that are needed to ensure sustainable growth.
AUG 30EU: A different way of issuing a blue card.Feasibility study to offer blue cards based on a lottery system. Not yet operational.
AUG 16EU: Integrity and privacy of candidate data is built-in by designBlue Card Network profiles are viewable only by entities that have been given exclusive permission. It is not public.
JUL 28ES: Spain’s economy has returned to its pre-crisis sizeForeign workers are needed to meet demand from an increasing number of Spanish industries.
JUL 14DE: Companies increasingly appreciate their human capitalIn the global race for talent, the EU Blue Card can play a vital role for Europe.
JUN 21EU: MEPs back changes to the Blue CardNational schemes for attracting highly-qualified workers to be abolished.
JUN 19EU: Smart migration expected to swift from United States to EuropeA booming economy and a series of immigration reforms have turned Germany into a magnet for smart immigrants.
JUN 8EU: June 8th 2012-2017: Celebrating five years of helping people obtain an EU blue card.Over 120,000 candidates connected to European employers. Over 8,000 applications successfully submitted.
MAY 11DE: German government releases brochure 'Erfolgreich Arbeiten'EU Blue Card enables employers to hire the professionals they urgently need.
APR 26EU: Employment rate of people aged 20 to 64 in the EU reached a new peakThe employment rate stood at 71.1%, higher than the previous peak recorded in 2008 (70.3%).
APR 12UK: Good prospects for skilled British workers in a post-Brexit EUReport says Blue Card scheme is on route to become the work permit of choice.
MAR 23SK: The Slovak economy is approaching full employmentSlovak authorities will extend the validity of the blue card from three to four years.
MAR 7EU: New US immigration policy set to make EU more attractive for the highly skilledThe US may no longer be the destination of choice as the H-1B system is overhauled.
FEB 23NL: 31% of knowledge migrants to OECD countries choose the EUIt is the European Commission’s intention to increase this number by making the blue card more attractive.
JAN 27EU: Proposed blue card directive to promote innovative entrepreneurshipBlue card holders would have the right to start their own company in parallel.
JAN 10AT: More voices in favour of replacing the Rot-weiß-Kart with the blue cardOne single program makes it more inviting for the highly skilled to consider Europe.
- DEC 14SE: Calls for Swedish immigration to simplify procedures
A Syrian doctor’s plea to work in a country desperately in need of his skills.
- NOV 29EU: Commissioner for migration Avramopoulos wants the blue card to be more like the U.S. green card.
The best choice would be a single regulation for highly skilled immigration, not 28 different programs
- NOV 3DE: Already 49,000 blue cards issued in Germany
The positive correlation between the issuance of blue cards and economic growth
- OCT 13
- SEP 29AT: Austrian Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte to be replaced by the EU Blue Card.
EC proposed changes includes replacement of all national highly-skilled permits by the Blue Card.
- SEP 8NL: Skilled migrants urgently needed in the Netherlands
OESO says 2.4 million highly skilled persons needed by 2025, only 1 million available in current population.
- AUG 31DE: More blue cards are issued to qualified professionals
Professionals are urgently needed in Germany. With the Blue card, its holder receives a permit with perspective.
- AUG 4IT: Italy to make the blue card application procedure more efficient
The Italian employers' (Confindustria) federation signs a memorandum of understanding with the ministry of interior to speed up the required procedures.
- JUL 20BG: Bulgaria supports easing Blue Card issuance
Bulgaria backs the efforts of the European Commission for easing the administrative procedure on the issuance of the Blue Card for highly qualified foreigners.
- JUL 15EU: Blue Card Network launches affiliate program
Key objective of the affiliate program is to raise awareness of the EU Blue Card Program.
- JUN 24EU: The UK leaving the European Union does not affect the Blue Card Program
It is not sure if UK nationals will be able to apply for the EU Blue Card in the future.
- JUN 22EU: Main proposed changes compared to the current EU Blue Card Directive
Faster procedure, lower salary threshold, shorter contract term and more.
- JUN 6NL: The Netherlands needs some 80.000 non-European migrant workers annually
'Not only academics and technical people, but mid-segment migrant workers as well.'
- MAY 23
- APR 13EU: Results of the 2015 blue card stakeholders survey
A Fast-track entry procedure and a uniform scheme are considered most important to improve the scheme's attractiveness.
- MAR 24DE: In the first three quarters of 2015, Germany issued over 11 thousand blue cards.
Most German blue cards went to people from India, Ukraine and Russia.
- MAR 8GR: More leaders speak out on loosening blue card regulations
Mr Kefalogiannis, Greek MP: 'A revision of the blue card should be undertaken so that it applies to lower-skilled migrants as well'.
- FEB 25NL: Start-up permits available for the Netherlands
You can now start your business in the Netherlands with the help of a facilitator.
- FEB 4EU: ALDE coalition proposes the blue card to be available also for non-skilled workers
'We call for an revision of the EU Blue Card making it possible to obtain for both skilled and non-skilled workers based on objective criteria, that if fulfilled allow a Blue Card to be issued.'
- JAN 12GR: Blue cards to be issued for projects in Greek port
Greek government exclusively promotes the issuance of Blue Cards for projects in the port of Piraeus.
- DEC 7
- NOV 10DE: Blue card scheme giving green signal to Indians students
Indians graduating with STEM degrees in India are looking at opportunities in the German job market.
- OCT 30BG: Bulgaria to simplify EU Blue Card procedure
A measure to fight the shortage in highly-qualified workers on the Bulgarian labour market.
- OCT 2ES: Interview with Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament
The Blue Card mechanism is valued as the immigration tool of the future as it scales immigration to EU employment needs.
- SEP 21EU: Mobile friendly website completed
Internet access by mobile phone and tablet is growing. The Blue Card Network redesigned its website to make this experience user-friendly.
AUG 11DE: Should asylum seekers have access to the blue card?
People who seek asylum in the EU are not allowed to work. Germany starts a discussion that may change this policy with regards to highly-educated asylum seekers.
AUG 4EU: Blue Card Network maintenance completed
Server update is completed successfully within maintenance window 09:00 and 10:00 CET.
JUN 26EU: Drastic migrant influx needed to fill looming labour deficit
Study finds Germany, Portugal and Italy face economic trauma of an increased elderly population and fewer young professionals.
- MAY 28EU: Improving access to the EU Blue Card
EU Blue Card Network to provide hands-on input for the EU’s open consultation to progress the blue card scheme.
- MAY 6EU: Moving to new address
EU Blue Card Network moves to a new Brussels address.
- APR 21Germany: Smart immigration works!
Germany issued over 12,000 blue cards in the year 2014.
- APR 2UK: Startup Capitals: London vs. Berlin
The EU Blue Card allows people all over the world to stay for at least one year, and for three months after the contract ends to secure a new job. A huge advantage compared to the strict immigration regulations of the UK.
- MAR 25EU: Become a EU Blue Card Network Country Agent
Representation is sought for a number of countries in Africa, Asia and South America. Read more…
- MAR 2EU: Eurozone unemployment hits lowest level in nearly three years
Analysts had expected the jobless rate to remain steady. The surprise fall is welcome news for the euro currency area.
JAN 12Germany: Educated migrants are needed to maintain prosperity
For the economy to remain prosperous, an estimated 15 million migrants are needed by 2050.
DEC 24Poland: Documentation and procedure for Blue Card Poland
Extensive and clear description on what is expected by Polish immigration
- NOV 10Germany: 68% of Blue Card holders stay in host country
A majority of the highly qualified immigrants decide to stay permanently.
- OCT 29EU: Blue Card procedures and requirements
Background information for participating European member states.
OCT 3Greece: Combat illegal migration by setting up a regular immigration framework
Avramopoulos said one of his main tasks would be to improve the “Blue Card Directive”.
AUG 28EU: Diversity is a country’s 21st Century Strength
Key to a nation’s future success is its approach on smart immigration.
AUG 5Czech Republic: smart 21st century implementation of EU blue card law
A credit-card sizes plastic card with biometric data will replace paper work- and residence permits.
JUL 15EU: Blue Card procedures and requirements
Background information for participating European member states.
JUN 19Germany: EU voters favour smart immigration
Demographic trends are endangering the industrial and engineering future of Germany, which is facing a looming talent crisis.
- JUN 13EU: Blue Card – The best of both worlds
Individuals and organizations who control a publishing channel, such as a website, can now become an affiliate of the EU Blue Card Network.
MAY 16Spain: immigration to Europe is a key EU topic
Fighting illegal immigration by making people aware of the legal options, such as the European Blue Card.
APR 23EU: Employment returns to growth in the Eurozone
Growth of business activity in the euro area economy accelerated to its fastest for just under three years.
- APR 15Germany: EU Blue Card – the labor ticket for Germany
Berlin is the ICT start-up capital of Germany. Salaries for experienced software developers range from 50.000 to 55.000 Euro. 44% of entrepreneurs are non-German nationals.
- MAR 26EU: EU reaches deal on universal right to a basic bank account
EU directive ensures that all European citizens, including blue card holders, have access to their own EU bank account.
- MAR 7Luxembourg: Immigration leaflet
Extensive information on Luxembourg immigration and blue card policy.
- FEB 6Germany: immigration of professionals more than doubled in three years’ time
The number of highly qualified, non-EU professionals increased from 16,000 in 2009 to 37,000 in 2012.
- JAN 14Belgium: Favourable implementation of EU Blue Card law
Highlight: spouse and children of the blue card holder are entitled to a work permit (arbeidskaart B)
- JAN 2EU: NGO's can now easily refer their professionals
Foreign agencies can opt to supply their professionals with a custom sign-up page.
- DEC 16Italy: EU Blue Card 'instrument still little known, but with great potential'
Minimum wage for blue card holders is set at €24.789. Reference article is in Italian.
- NOV 19Spain: Spain issues a permanent residence permit, five years after issuing the EU Blue Card
During these five years one can be absent from Spanish territory up to six consecutive months, provided that the sum of periods of absence does not exceed the total of one year.
- OCT 24EU: New EU member state Croatia implements EU Blue Card law
A description of the blue card visa procedures for the participating member states.
- OCT 01Germany: Short and concise information on the Blue Card (Flyer in German)
The Blue Card (Germany) is initially a temporary residence permit, which is valid for a maximum of four years if the job provides for the same or longer duration.
- SEP 12EU: Europe and the global race for talent
Introducing legislation to make it easier for third-country nationals to study and stay in the EU.
- AUG 19Sweden: EU Blue Card gets green light in Sweden
As from August 1st Sweden offers the EU Blue card; an excellent opportunity for non-EU nationals to tap into its main industrial sectors of forestry, telecom, automotive and pharmaceuticals.
- JUN 27Germany: EU Blue card is the visa of choice for the highly educated
Blue card holder from India reports: ‘...in spite of bureaucracy, I live here like a king’.
- JUN 6EU: EU urged to address paradox of unemployment and skills shortages
Millions of jobs remain unfilled in many sectors key to economic development
- MAY 24EU: EU Commissioner Malmström at the State of the Union Conference
Europe should give migrants the opportunities they deserve
- APR 10Italy: Florence studied the impact of the EU Blue Card on its economy
The Italian province of Florence is Italy’s major production and commercial center with a growing number of foreign companies who are increasingly looking for highly qualified personnel. (PDF in Italian)
- MAR 11Germany: Over 4,000 EU Blue Cards issued in Germany since August 2012
Blue Card Exceeds expectations in Germany. EU-wide Eurostat figures are expected end of 2013.
- FEB 19Austria: Communication from the Austrian government (in German)
EU Blue Card is issued for a period of two years, unless the contract has a shorter duration.
- FEB 7Greece: Solid implementation of EU Blue Card legislation
Combating illegal immigration by providing legal alternatives.
- JAN 28EU: Commission issues action call to close digital skills gap in Europe
Europe faces up to 700.000 unfilled ICT jobs and declining competitiveness. The number of digital jobs is growing.
- JAN 16Belgium: Minimum job contract term is one year
After five years, the blue card holder may apply for the status of 'long-term resident'.
- JAN 3Netherlands: Growing shortage of Engineers
Potential lack of 170,000 engineers in 2016.
- DEC 20Germany: Job opportunities for foreign graduates
Cities take initiatives to inform graduates on the EU blue card
- DEC 4EU: OECD report finds prospects for immigrants are improving
Countries make attracting highly-skilled migrants a key target of their immigration policy
- NOV 29Poland: Set to increase its role in Europe's economic future
The EU's sixth largest economy projects 2.2% growth in 2013
- NOV 14Spain: Publishes handy guide for the Blue Card
The Blue Card Spain is granted for an initial term of one year
- NOV 5Italy: From emigration to immigration
Sustaining social systems and expanding economic prosperity.
- OCT 22Finland: Fast-track procedure
Immigration Service completes decision on granting the Blue Card within 90 days.
- OCT 16Czech Republic: Government guidelines
Country specific details for employers.
- OCT 3France: Details on the French Blue Card
France has excellent family reunification conditions.
- SEP 14Portugal: New laws for foreigners
Portugal to introduce the EU Blue Card on October 8th.
- AUG 27Netherlands: EU Blue Card application forms available
The IND publishes the application forms for the "Europese blauwe kaart" online.
- AUG 14Germany: Hamburg attracts highly qualified persons
Non-EU foreigners come to Germany easier thanks to the new Blue Card.
EU Press Releases