December 15, 2023 – EU fingerprint checks for British travellers to start in 2024
According to the European Commission, the system will apply when entering 25 EU countries (all member states apart from Cyprus and Ireland) and four non-EU countries (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein) that are part of the border-free Schengen area along with most EU member states.
The checks will take place in England as the UK government has reciprocal agreements with France that the French authorities can operate border checks at UK departure points into the EU – in this case the Port of Dover, Eurotunnel and Eurostar.
The entry/exit system (EES) is earmarked to start on 6 October 2024.
October 6, 2021 – Short-term, work related visits
As a rule of thumb for Germany: UK citizens need a long stay (D) visa and work permit (e.g. blue card) to work for more than three months.
For shorter term employment, you need a work visa (C visa).
The short stay work visa is for ‘economic activities’. Some professional activities such as standard business travel (e.g. business meeting, workshops) and a variety of cultural, academic and sports activities may be carried out without the need for a visa as they are not classed as an economic activity.
Find more details on the German consulate website.
We found other EU-countries have similar arrangements, however rarely published online. For detailed advice please contact the specific EU-consulate or an immigration lawyer.
January 1, 2021 – Brexit is here
For many EU citizens, freedom of movement: the right to be able to travel, study and live anywhere in the 27 EU-bloc is among the most appealing of European integration.
UK Citizens will no longer have the automatic right to live and work in the EU, and vice versa. People who want to cross the border will have to follow common immigration rules such as ensuring they have a valid passports.
Travelling for holidays will remain visa-free, But British nationals will only be allowed to spend 90 days out of every 180 in the European Union. UK Nationals now need a permit, such as the EU Blue Card, in order to work legally in an EU country.
November 24, 2020 – UK Immigration Act
The United Kingdom government, on November 12th, signed into law the Immigration Act, which on December 31, at 11 pm, ends the freedom of movement in the UK for all EU citizens.
With non-EU passports, Brits will have to follow the rules of travel that all other third-country citizens follow, for passport rules, a limited number of the days of stay in EU, health insurance and more.
The EU and UK will grant the citizens of each other the possibility of visa-free short-term (tourist) visits. UK passport holders will not be allowed to stay for over 90 days within a 180 day window.
UK citizens' passports must be valid for at least another six months on the day they travel to EU.
For Brits, having an EU passport as a 2nd passport may be a viable way to restore their mobility and ‘take back’ their EU rights. A number of EU countries issue passports to people who can demonstrate European ancestry, this is called citizenship by descent.
September 25, 2020 - European trips will need more planning
From January '21, when UK nationals to visit any EU or EEA country (EU plus Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) make sure:
• You have at least six months left on your UK passport - not necessary for Ireland, which is part of the Common Travel Area.
• You have travel insurance with health cover, because the European Health Insurance Card will no longer be valid.
• Some countries may require you to have an international driving license.
August 27, 2020 – A post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU "seems unlikely"
Speaking after the latest round of talks, Michel Barnier, the EU negotiator said he was "disappointed" and "concerned".
His UK counterpart David Frost spoke of "little progress", amid differences on fisheries policy and state aid rules.
The EU has said it would like to agree a deal by October so it can be approved by the European Parliament before the post-Brexit transition period expires. The transition period ends on 31 December and, if a deal has not been secured by then, the UK would have to trade with the EU on WTO (World Trade Organization) terms.
July 15, 2020 – Free mobile roaming to end for UK citizens
From January 1st, 2021 onwards, the guarantee of free mobile roaming for UK citizens within the European Union officially ends.
Starting January 1st 2021, mobile companies are allowed to introduce charges if they want to, although it'll largely depend on what commercial arrangements these mobile companies have with their EU counterparts.
February 1, 2020 – Transition period
During the transition period, all EU rules and regulations will continue to apply to the UK. Virtually nothing will change for businesses or for the public. This will give everyone more time to prepare themselves for the new agreements that the EU and the UK will conclude concerning their future relationship after 31 December 2020.
Withdrawal Agreement of 12 November 2019
January 31, 2020 – new Brexit deadline
Having agreed to a delay in October, EU leaders agreed to a so-called Brexit “flextension” until 31 January unless Parliament passes Johnson’s Brexit deal sooner – assuming he wins a majority at the polls in December.
The default position will be that if no deal is passed by Parliament, the UK will leave the EU without one on 31 January 2020.
Leaving without a deal (or withdrawal agreement) means the UK would immediately exit the customs union and single market - arrangements designed to make trade easier.
UPDATE: April 11, 2019
Leaders of the European Union have granted the UK a six-month extension before Brexit takes place.
The new deadline - 31 October 2019 - averts, for now, the prospect of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. European Council President Donald Tusk said his "message to British friends" was "please do not waste time".
Theresa May, who had wanted a shorter delay, said the UK would still aim to leave the EU as soon as possible.
The EU has ruled out any renegotiation of the withdrawal agreement.
UPDATE: January 16, 2019
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, British passport holders will be considered third country nationals by countries within the Schengen area after 29 March 2019.
This means that, technically, UK nationals will be, with regards to nationality, eligible for a blue card in order to take up employment in any of the 25 blue card-issuing EU countries.
More info: UK Government
Working in the European Union
As a Network specialized in connecting EU employers with non-EU employees, UK nationals ask as to whether the EU Blue Card is available in order to work in the European Union.
The EU Blue Card is not yet an option for UK nationals. Possibly in the future. It would be logical as the EU blue card is available to all people who have a non-EU (and non-EEA) nationality, provided the brexit negotiations-result does not include an agreement on the free movement of people, and no other such arrangement has been agreed upon.
EU Blue Card
The EU Blue Card is a work- and resident permit for skilled/educated non-EU nationals. In order to be eligible for the Blue Card, one must have a employment contract -or binding employment offer- issued by an organization located in a blue card-issuing country.
25 EU countries issue the Blue Card. The UK, Ireland and Denmark have never issued the Blue Card.
Any news regarding brexit and the Blue Card will be published here.