The employer must apply for an employment licence with the employment bureau. The application will be considered from a labour market perspective, including:
- The national situation regarding surpluses, or shortages in the particular sector.
- The employer’s history and the situation in terms of recruitment and redundancy patterns.
- Business investments.
- Current contractual commitments.
Your skills level, experience and overall suitability for the position are taken into account. If you are applying for a highly-skilled job, you must have qualifications at level ISCED 5a, 6 or above, and the job must pay at least 1.5 times the average gross salary for Malta.
If the application is accepted from a labour market perspective, also key stakeholders, e.g. health and immigration authorities and other sector-specific authorities must present clearance.
Extended information:
Information for applicants and employers
Europe's Immigration portal - Malta
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