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It is not required for an employer to be recognised as a sponsor in the Netherlands.
In order to enter the Netherlands for a stay of more than 3 months, the employee will, in many cases, require a special permit called a regular provisional residence permit (called an MVV). The procedure will be slightly different than when no regular provisional residence permit is required.


Your employee does not require an MVV if the person is a resident of e.g. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America and other countries or because the employee had a Blue Card issued by another EU-country for the term of at least 12 months.
Nationals of these countries do not require a MVV.

Does your employee not require an MVV?
> Directly submit an application for a residence permit. As soon as the IND has given notice that it will issue a residence permit, your employee may come to the Netherlands.

Does your employee require an MVV?
> Submit a combined application for a regular provisional residence permit and a residence permit. This is the procedure for Entry and Residence. The employee must collect the regular provisional residence permit at the Dutch consulate within 3 months. After his arrival in the Netherlands, he may collect his residence permit within 2 weeks.

Extended information can be found on IND - European Blue Card


The spouse of a blue card holder receives a residence permit. If the blue card holder is eligible for permanent residency, the spouse may be eligible for a 5-year valid Continued Residence Permit Dutch: vergunning voortgezet verblijf, provided the spouse also resided in the EU with the blue card holder the past five years.

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