If you wish to carry out employment in Slovenia as a highly-qualified worker, you must have an employment contract for highly-qualified work and obtain an EU Blue Card.
You must obtain your Blue Card before entering Slovenia as this will include permission to enter Slovenia.
You must have a job contract for highly-qualified work. Highly-qualified work is defined as work performed by a person with at least an university education for which an employment contract, for at least one year, has been signed and which includes a salary of at least 1,5 of the average annual gross salary in Slovenia.
Your employer must have published the job vacancy. If there is no candidate available with the required qualifications on the local labour market, he can proceed with your recruitment.
Once the Employment Service of Slovenia has acccepted to your employment, you must apply for a Blue Card at the Slovenian embassy or consulate in your country of origin or residence.
If you already reside in Slovenia you may apply the EU Blue Card at the administrative unit where you reside in Slovenia within 30 days of entering.
Alternatively, your employer can apply with the local administrative unit in Slovenia.
Extended information can be found on Republic of slovenia - Ministry of Interior
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